You are here: Home Events December 5, 2016: Marnie Halpern, Carnegie Institution for Science, Baltimore

December 5, 2016: Marnie Halpern, Carnegie Institution for Science, Baltimore

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Talk in the biologic colloquium: "Formation and activity of an asymmetric neural pathway in the zebrafish brain"

  • Biologisches Kolloquium
When Dec 05, 2016
from 04:15 PM to 05:30 PM
Where Lecture Hall, Zoology, Hauptstr. 1
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Zebrafish provide the opportunity to explore how left-right differences arise in a vertebrate brain and to examine their functional consequence. Shh, Wnt, Fgf and chemokine signaling pathways converge to generate the forebrain dorsal habenular (dHb) nuclei and their efferents to the midbrain interpeduncular nucleus. The larval dHb show prominent left-right differences in neuronal populations and their connections. The directionality of this asymmetry can be altered in predictable ways, which influences behavior such as the recovery from fear.

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