Facilities of the Faculty
Central Facilities
- Dean's Office
- Academic dean's office
- Office of examination
- Doctoral studies program office
- Library of the Faculty - Biology I
- Library of the Faculty - Biology II/III
- Technical facility Biology I
- Technical facility Biology II/III
- Computerpool of the Faculty
- Uni-Kita Blütengarten (formally Biolino)
Resources & Institutes
- Institute of Biology I
- Institute of Biology II
- Institute of Biology III
- Botanic Garden
- Zoological display collection
- Facilities with contribution of the faculty
- Association for the Promotion of the Faculty of Biology at the University of Freiburg
Structure & committees
Equal opportunities
Maps & Directions
Portrait & History of the Faculty
- Brief Portrait & History
- History, structure & structure of the faculty
- A story of loss
The fate of the German-Jewish scientist Salome Glücksohn-Waelsch - Lecture by Prof. Lothar Jaenicke on the history of the Freiburg life sciences
Institute of Biology I
- Reconstruction after 1945 - Buildings, premises and current condition
- Structural Change, Personnel Structure & Scientific Profill
(from the commemorative to the 550-Jahrfeier of the university, as of 2007)
Institutes of Biology II/III
Reconstruction after 1945 - Buildings, premises and current condition
Institute of Biology II: Structural Change, Personnel Structure & Scientific Profile
(from the commemorative to the 550-Jahrfeier of the university, as of 2007)