- Info
 | Albers, Sonja-Verena Molecular Biology of Archaea |  | Baumeister, Ralf Bioinformatics and Molecular Genetics |  | Boll, Matthias Metabolic biochemistry of microorganisms |  | Bollmann, Johann Neural circuits and behavior |  | Cissé, Ibrahim Biological Physics, MPI-IE |  | Classen, Anne-Kathrin Collective signaling dynamics in multicellular systems |  | Diester, Ilka Optophysiology |  | Di Ventura, Barbara Biological Signalling Research |  | Driever, Wolfgang Developmental Biology |  | Hartman, Sjon Plant Environmental Signalling & Development |  | Henshaw, Jonathan Theoretical Biology |  | Hess, Wolfgang Genetics & Experimental Bioinformatics |  | Hiltbrunner, Andreas Molecular Plant Physiology |  | Huesgen, Pitter Biochemistry and Functional Proteomics |  | Kleine-Vehn, Jürgen Molecular Plant Physiology |  | Korb, Judith Evolution & Ecology: From Ecology to Genes |  | Leibold, Christian Theoretical Systems Neuroscience |  | Lillemeier, Björn Moleculare Immunology |  | Mehring, Carsten Neurobiology and Neurotechnology |  | Minguet, Susana Lymphocyte signalling |  | Neubüser, Annette Animal Developmental Biology |  | Niehuis, Oliver Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, and Biodiversity |  | Ott, Thomas Plant Cell Biology |  | Radziwill, Gerald Biochemistry |  | Ragni, Laura Plant Cell BIology |  | Reiff, Dierk Neurobiology and behavioral control |  | Reski, Ralf Plant Biotechnology |  | Römer, Winfried Synthetic Biology of Signalling Processes |  | Rotter, Stefan Computational Neuroscience |  | Schamel, Wolfgang Immunology |  | Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael Geobotany |  | Speck, Thomas Botany - Functional Morphology and Bionics |  | Straw, Andrew Neurobiology and Behavior |  | Wilde, Annegret Molecular Genetics of Prokaryotes |