Studying at the Faculty of Biology
- Degree Programs at the Faculty of Biology
Bachelor of Science | Polyvalent dual-major bachelor's degree program (for school teaching)
Masters of Science: Biology | Biochemistry & Biophysics | Moleculare Medicine | Neuroscience
Master of Education
- Application / Admission
Information about the application procedure and the admission to study
- Student Advisory Service
Contact and office hours of the student advisors
- International / ERASMUS
Information about stays abroad, "incoming and outgoing"
- Fees for international students and for a second degree
The state of Baden-Württemberg will implement study fees for international students, as well as for those studying a second degree, from winter semester 2017/18.
- Module guides
contain detailled descriptions of the modules and the corresponding courses
- Courses
subscription to a course has to be done via the online course catalog "Campus Management"
- ILIAS - Integrierated Learning-, Information- und Work cooperation-System
the learning platform for course material
- Exams
dates, deadlines, and more
- Office for doctoral affairs
Contact person for doctoral procedure
- Doctorate in the section biology
The doctoral studies at the faculty of biology adresses to people who successfully concluded a degree program in natural sciences (Diploma, Magister, M.Sc., Teaching degree prgram) and who are motivated to condict scientific basic reseach in the field of biology. Successful graduates obtain the academic degree "doctor of natural sciences" (Dr. rer. nat.).
- Doctorate in the section molecular medicine
The faculty of biology and the medical faculty jointly offer doctoral studies in the field of molecular medicine. Prerequisites for ad admission is a university degree in molecular medicine. Successful graduates obtain the academic degree "doctor of natural sciences" (Dr. rer. nat.) from the faculty of biology.