Sie sind hier: Startseite Events May 30, 2022: Harland Patch Assistant Research Professor at Penn State and Director of Pollinator Programming at the Arboretum at Penn State, USA und Christina Grozinger Publius Vergilius Maro Professor of Entomology and Director of the Center for Pollina

May 30, 2022: Harland Patch Assistant Research Professor at Penn State and Director of Pollinator Programming at the Arboretum at Penn State, USA und Christina Grozinger Publius Vergilius Maro Professor of Entomology and Director of the Center for Pollina

— abgelegt unter:

Biologic colloquium: "Plant-pollinator interactions: from floral traits to communities" und "Developing tools to predict and manage pollinator health in a changing world"

  • Biologisches Kolloquium
Wann 30.12.2020
von 23:00 bis 23:00
Wo Lecture Hall Zoology, Hauptstr. 1
Termin übernehmen vCal



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