Sie sind hier: Startseite Events June 30, 2023: Biology Faculty Day

June 30, 2023: Biology Faculty Day

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On 30.06.2023, the Biology Faculty Day will take place from 14-23 h

  • Fakultätstag
Wann 30.06.2023
von 14:00 bis 23:00
Wo Campus Biology
Termin übernehmen vCal


Mini-Symposium | GHS, Biology II/III

  • 14.00 - 14.15 h | Welcome (Prof. Dr. Sonja Albers | Dekanin)
  • 14.15 - 14.40 h | Prof. Dr. Susana Minguet García
  • 14.40 - 15.05 h | Prof. Dr. Khaled Selim
  • 15.05 - 15.30 h | Coffee Break
  • 15.30 - 15.55 h | Prof. Dr. Jürgen Kleine-Vehn
  • 15.55 - 16.20 h | iGEM teams 2022 and 2023

Framework program

  • ab 16.30 h | Bio-Olympic Games | Main entrance Biology II/III
  • ab 18.00 h | Buffet & BBQ | Backyard Biology II/III and Botanical Garden
  • ab 20.30 h | Indoor DJ Party | Foyer Biology II/III with DJ Rensing & DJ Walentek


  • Drinks service from 16.30 h
  • Tickets for the payments will be available to purchase in advanced and during the faculty day. Payments are only possible in cash.


>> Program of the Faculty Day for download <<

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