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Association for the Promotion of the Faculty of Biology at the University of Freiburg


230912_logo.jpgThe purpose of the association is the promotion of science, teaching and research in biology at the University of Freiburg and the networking of the Faculty of Biology with other scientific institutions or facilities at the University of Freiburg. The purpose of the association focuses primarily on the idealistic and financial support of joint events and the increased cooperation within the scientific community and between science and society.

What does the association promote according to its statutes?

  • cooperation with non-profit corporations, associations, organizations and public bodies in the field of scientific research, knowledge transfer and social dialogue
  • the promotion of presentations, events, public discussions and the organization of participation in such events and initiatives;
  • the promotion of team-building measures for scientific working groups;
  • the promotion of excellence initiatives in research and studies;
  • promoting interest in the biology degree program;
  • maintaining contact with graduates after completion of their doctorate, colleagues after their post-doctoral qualification phase and former and retiring members of the Faculty of Biology.

Membership/Supporting Membership

Any active member of the Faculty, regardless of status group, can become a member of the association. Members who retire from active service at the Faculty can apply for supporting membership.

Practical information and forms

Contact and bank details


Tax number: 06470/20188
Association number at the Freiburg registration court: VR 703776

Bank details:
IBAN: DE77 6805 0101 0014 3896 76
Sparkasse Freiburg

Postal adresse:
Förderverein Biologie
z.Hd. Frau Karin Bernauer
Schänzlestr. 1
79104 Freiburg

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