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  Important information:
  • Course-related examinations take the form of module examinations.
  • Students must register for each module examination. The deadlines and dates applicable for this are determined by the examination board and announced to the students in the table below. Participation in an examination without prior registration is excluded.
  • During the examination registration period, students may choose between the 1st and 2nd examination dates for examinations held at the Faculty of Biology.
  • Examinations in the non-biology basic modules (mathematics, physics and chemistry) can only be registered for the respective first examination date. The second examination date is a repeat date only.
  • Within the registration period, students can both register for an examination and deregister from an examination, provided they have not yet started the corresponding examination procedure (see below).
  • In a subsequent deregistration period, students can deregister up to 48 hours before the registered examination date, provided they have not been compulsorily registered for it.
  • The examination procedure starts with the examination date for which the student first registered and ends when the examination is either passed or definitively failed. Deregistration from an open examination procedure is excluded. Open examination procedures continue even if the student changes degree programs or universities.
  • If a student fails an examination or withdraws (see below), the examination procedure continues and the examination office automatically issues a compulsory registration for the next possible date.
  • In the case of compulsory registration, the next possible date must always be taken.



Liliane Merz | Anne Imbery
Altbau Schänzlestr. 1, room A 309
Phone: +49 (0)761 203-2892
e-mail: pruefungsamt@biologie.uni-freiburg.de
Office hours:
Lecture period: Mon - Thu 10.00 - 12.00
Lecture-free period: Mon & Thu 10.00 - 12.00
and by appointment

Examination committee Bachelor of Science, Polyvalent dual-major bachelor's degree, Master of Science, Master of Education, Diploma


Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hess
Altbau Schänzlestr. 1, room A 309
Phone: +49 (0)761 203-2892
e-mail: pruefungsamt@biologie.uni-freiburg.de
Office hours: Thu 10.30 - 12.00 h

Vice Chairwoman

Prof. Dr. Ilka Diester
Altbau Schänzlestr. 1, room A 309
Phone: +49 (0)761 203-2892
e-mail: pruefungsamt@biologie.uni-freiburg.de

Examination committee M.Sc. Neuroscience


PD Dr. Philippe Coulon
Altbau Schänzlestr. 1, Raum A 309
Phone: +49 (0)761 203-2892
E-Mail: pruefungsamt@biologie.uni-freiburg.de

Examination committee "Staatsexamen" / "Magister"


Prof. Dr. Annette Neubüser
Altbau Schänzlestr. 1, room A 309
Phone: +49 (0)761 203-2892
e-mail: pruefungsamt@biologie.uni-freiburg.de


  • Examination Office for Secondary School Teaching [de]
  • B.Sc. Biology | Polyvalent dual-major bachelor's degree program biology

    Winter semester 2024/25 1st date 2nd date  / WDH
    Time Place Time Place
    GM-01 "Cell Biology"
    ⇒ Registration online
    10:30 - 12:00 h
    see HISinOne 08.04.2025
    14:00 - 15:30 h
    see HISinOne
    GM-02 "Genetics & Molecular biology"
    ⇒ Registration online
    10:00 - 11:30 h
    see HISinOne 11.04.2025
    10:00 - 11:30 h
    see HISinOne
    GM-03 "Mathematics I"
    ⇒ Registration online
    9:30 - 11:15 h
    see ILIAS 14.04.2025
    9:30 - 11:15 h
    see ILIAS
    GM-04 "Physics I"
    ⇒ Registration online
    9:00 - 11:00 h
    see ILIAS 12.04.2025
    9:00 - 11:00 h
    see ILIAS
    GM-05 "General and Inorganic Chemistry"(AC-exam)
    ⇒ Registration online
    14:00 - 16:00 h
    see ILIAS 03.04.2025
    14:00 - 16:00 h
    see ILIAS
    GM-05 "General and Inorganic Chemistry" (AC-practical course)
    All participants of the practical are registered for assessment. individual deadlines for the protocol
    LA-01 "General, Inorganic and Organic Chemistry" (AC-exam)
    ⇒ Registration online
    14:00 - 16:00 h
    see ILIAS 03.04.2025
    14:00 - 16:00 h
    see ILIAS
    GM-10 "Zoology & Evolution of animals" 
    ⇒ Registration online
    10:00 - 11:30 h
    see HISinOne 07.04.2025
    10:00 - 11:30 h
    see HISinOne
    GM-11a "Plant physiology" 
    ⇒ Registration online
    12:00 - 13:00 h
    GHS | Biol. II/III 25.02.2025
    10:00 - 11:00 h
    GHS | Biol. II/III
    GM-11b "Animal physiology" 
    ⇒ Registration online
    10:00 - 11:00 h
    see HISinOne 10.04.2025
    10:00 - 11:00 h
    see HISinOne
    GM-12 "Theory of Science & Ethics" 
    No registration of the assessment is required in GM-12. The submission of the "Hausarbeit" counts as registration.
    GM-13 "Physical Chemistry"
    ⇒ Registration online
    10:00 - 11:30 h
    see ILIAS 01.08.2025
    10:00 - 11:30 h
    see ILIAS
    GM-13 "Physical Chemistry"
    (PC-practical course)
    Cancellation of the registration for examination
    All participants of the practical are registered for the examination. individual deadlines for the protocol and seminar presentation
    GM-17 "Statistics" 
    ⇒ Registration for assessment online
    The registration for the assessment in GM-17 is required in order for the credits to be posted.
    "Biological Profile Modules" 
    All participants of biological profile modules are registered for assessment.
    "Specialization Modules" 
    Cancellation of the registration for examination
    within the Time window of the two-week block
    Alle participants are registered for the examination.

    M.Sc. Biology

    Winter semester 2024/25 1st date 2nd date  / WDH
    Time Place Time Place
    OM-01 "Translational Biology" 
    ⇒ Registration online
    14:00 - 16:30 h
    KS 00 023
    Biol. II/III
    9:30 - 12.00 h
    KS 00 023
    Biol. II/III
    All participants of the exercise in OM-01 are registered for the assessment.
    OM-02 "Genetics & Developmental Biology" 
    ⇒ Registration online
    14:00 - 16:30 h
    KS 00 023
    Biol. II/III
    9:30 - 12:00 h
    KS 00 023
    Biol. II/III
    All participants of the exercise in OM-02 are registered for the assessment.
    OM-03 "Introduction to Immunbiology" 
    ⇒ Registration online
    14:00 - 16:30 h
    Biol. II/III
    9:30 - 12:00 h
    Biol. II/III
    All participants of the exercise in OM-03 are registered for the assessment.
    OM-04 "Biochemistry & Microbiology" 
    ⇒ Registration online
    14:00 - 16:30 h
    KS 00 023
    Biol. II/III
    14:00 - 16:30 h
    KS 00 023
    Biol. II/III
    All participants of the exercise in OM-04 are registered for the assessment.
    OM-05 "Neuroscience - The Basics" 
    ⇒ Registration online
    14:00 - 16:30 h
    KS 00 023
    Biol. II/III
    14:00 - 16:30 h
    KS 00 023
    Biol. II/III
    All participants of the exercise in OM-05 are registered for the assessment.
    OM-06 "Introduction to plant sciences" 
    ⇒ Registration online
    14:00 - 16:30 h
    KS 00 023
    Biol. II/III
    14:00 - 16:30 h
    KS 00 023
    Biol. II/III
    All participants of the exercise in OM-06 are registered for the assessment.
    OM-07 "Ecology & Evolutionary biology" 
    ⇒ Registration online
    14:00 - 16:30 h
    KS 00 023
    Biol. II/III
    14:00 - 16:30 h
    KS 00 023
    Biol. II/III
    All participants of the exercise in OM-07 are registered for the assessment.
    EDS "Experimental Design & Statistics" 
    All participants are registered for the assessment.
    "Major Modules II" 
    ⇒ Registration online
    The registration of the examination is required to take the exam.

    Master of Education Biology

    Winter semester 2024/25 1st date 2nd date
    Time Place Time Place
    ME-01 "Human biology"
    ⇒ Registration online
    The registration of the examination is required to take the exam. Individual submission deadlines for the portfolios
    ME-03 "Biotechnology & Molecular biology"
    All participants of the exercise "Biotechnological applications and discourse" are registered for the assessment
    ME-04 "Biology didactics"
    ⇒ Registration online
    tba only if needed



    B.Sc. Biology | Polyvalent dual-major bachelor's degree program biology

    Summer semester 2024 1st date 2nd date
    Time Place Time Place
    GM-06 "Botany & Evolution of plants"
    ⇒ Registration online
    9:00 - 10:30 h
    see HISinOne 02.10.2024
    10:00 - 11:30 h
    see HISinOne
    GM-07 "Mathematics II"
    ⇒ Registration online
    9:30 - 11:15 h
    see ILIAS 01.10.2024
    9:30 - 11:15 h
    see ILIAS
    GM-08 "Physic II"
    ⇒ Registration online
    individual deadlines for the protocols see Course website
    GM-09 "Organic Chemistry"
    ⇒ Registration online
    9:00 - 11:00 h
    HS Chemie, HS Physiologie/HS Biochemie, HS Anatomie and HS Weismann-Haus 27.08.2024
    9:00 - 11:00 h
    HS Chemie und HS Anatomie
    GM-09 "Organic Chemistry"
    (OC-Practical course)
    ⇒ Registration online
    individual deadlines for the protocol
    LA-01 "General, Inorganic and Organic Chemistry"
    ⇒ Registration online
    9:00 - 11:00 h
    HS Chemie, HS Physiologie/HS Biochemie, HS Anatomie and HS Weismann-Haus 27.08.2024
    9:00 - 11:00 h
    HS Chemie und HS Anatomie
    LA-01 "General, Inorganic and Organic Chemistry"
    (Assessment in Chemistry Practical course)
    ⇒ Registration of assessment online
    individual deadlines for the protocol see Course webseite
    GM-14 "Microbiology, Immunobiology & Biochemistry"
    ⇒ Registration online
    10:00 - 11:30 h
    see HISinOne 25.09.2024
    10:00 - 11:30 h
    see HISinOne
    GM-15 "Developmental Biology" 
    ⇒ Registration online
    10:00 - 11:30 h
    see HISinOne 27.09.2024
    10:00 - 11:30 h
    see HISinOne
    GM-16 "Ecology" 
    ⇒ Registration online
    10:00 - 11:30 h
    see HISinOne 23.09.2024
    10:00 - 11:30 h
    see HISinOne
    GM-17 "Statistics" 
    ⇒ Registration for assessment online
    The registration for the assessment in GM-17 is required in order for the credits to be posted.
    "Biologic Profile Modules" 
    ⇒ Registration for assessment online
    The registration for the assessment in the biological profile module taken is required in order for the credit to be posted.

    M.Sc. Biology | M.Sc. Biochemistry & Biophysics

    Summer semester 2024    
    "Major Modules I"
    ⇒ Registration online
    The registration for the examination is required to take the exam.
    "Elective Modules | 1st time window"
    ⇒ Registration for assessment online
    The registration for the assessment in the elective module taken is required in order for the credit to be posted.
    "Elective Moduls | 2nd time window"
    ⇒ Registration for assessment online
    The registration for the assessment in the elective module taken is required in order for the credit to be posted.
    "Major Modules II" 
    ⇒ Registration online
    The registration of the examination is required to take the exam.

    Master of Education Biology

    Summer semester 2024 1st date 2nd date
    Time Place Time Place
    ME-02 "Biodiversity & Sustainability"
    ⇒ Registration online
    Registration of the assessment (for "Field Ecology") and registration for the examinations (for "Education for Sustainable Development - Environmental Education" [exam on July 22, 2024, 9:30 - 11:30 h] and "Ecological Perspectives on Sustainable Development") is required in order for the credit to be posted.
    ME-03 "Biotechnology & Molecular biology"
    ⇒ Registration online
    10:00 - 12:00 h
    KS 00 023 | Biol. II/III only if needed
    ME-04 "Biology Didactics"
    ⇒ Registration online
    16:00 - 17:00 h
    Pädagogische Hochschule, Kunzenweg 21 only if needed







    Students have to apply for the withdrawal at the examination committee. The reasons given for the withdrawal or omission of an exam must be credibly reported to the examination committee immediately and in writing. In case of illness a medical certificate is required. The corresponding form can be downloaded [HERE]. 

    Please note:
    By participating in an oral or written exam, you indicate that you are auditable. 
    A medical certificate handed in after having taken the examination may not be accepted.

    Students with a disability, chronic illness or not only temporary health impairment that makes it harder from them to complete pass/fail and graded assessments can submit a request for disadvantage compensation.

    Disadvantage compensation aims to ensure that the pass/fail and graded assessments can be completed under appropriate conditions and with equal opportunities. Disadvantages that students with the above-mentioned impairments have in comparison to other students when completing pass/fail and graded assessments should be compensated for as far as possible. The requirements that are part of the examination's performance profile may not be waived and there shall be no overcompensation. Measures to compensate for disadvantages must be determined individually in advance of the respective pass/fail or graded assessment.


    Prerequisites for the granting of measures to compensate for disadvantages:

    • Presence of a disability, chronic illness or not only temporary health impairment. In comparison to other students and under the regular conditions, the completion of pass/fail and graded assessments is more difficult, due to the impairment.
    • The requirements of the pass/fail or graded assessment are not changed by the measures to compensate for disadvantages.


    Examples of disadvantage compensation:

    • Writing time extensions for exams
    • Breaks in exams
    • Separate room during the exam
    • Extension of submission deadlines
    • Use of technical aids


    Form and content of the request:

    • The request must be submitted in writing to the departmental examination committee (in bachelor's and master's degree programs) or to the respective Dean of Studies (in state examination programs).
    • It should contain as much information as possible about the specific restrictions on the completion of the respective pass/fail or graded assessment and about which measures are being requested. A medical certificate must be submitted with the request, clearly stating the health impairments and the resulting restrictions on the completion of pass/fail and graded assessments.
    • The request must be submitted together with the examination registration or at the latest one month before the respective pass/fail or graded assessment.



    You can obtain further information and advice on disadvantage compensation from the Representative for Students with a Disabilitiy/Chronic Illness of the University of Freiburg and from your examination office.

    Your contact person at the Faculty of Biology is: Dr. Janina Kirsch | Coordinator of studies

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