First semester introductory week "Master" from October 8
abgelegt unter:
The Fachschaft Biologie invites all "Firsties" in M.Sc. Biology on the introductory week from October 10 to 14.
Was |
Wann |
10.10.2022 09:00
bis 14.10.2022 23:00 |
Wo | Biology II/III, Schänzlestr. 1 |
Name | Fachschaft Biologie |
Termin übernehmen |
vCal iCal |
Beginning at 10:00 a.m. on October 10, the central introduction sessions for first-year Master of Science Biology students will be held in GHS, Biology II/III
Monday, October 10, 2022
- 10:00 h General information about the course of studies (Kirsch)
- 10:30 h Demonstration of the online platforms and the selection of orientation modules in HISinOne (Kirsch)
- 14:00 h Major Biochemistry & Microbiology (Boll)
- 15:00 h Major Genetics & Developmental Biology (Baumeister, Driever)
- 16:00 h Major Immunobiology (Schamel)
Tuesday, October 11, 2022
- 13:30 h Major Translational Biology (Weber)
- 14:30 h Major Neuroscience (Reiff)
- 15:30 h Major Plant Sciences (Kretsch)
- 16:30 h Major Ecology & Evolutionary Biology (Korb, Scherer-Lorenzen)