You are here: Home Events July 7, 2014: Victoria Mironova, University of Novosibirsk

July 7, 2014: Victoria Mironova, University of Novosibirsk

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Talk in the Biologic Colloquium: "Biological pattern formation"

  • Biologisches Kolloquium
When Jul 07, 2014
from 04:15 PM to 05:30 PM
Where Lecture Hall Zoology, Hauptstr. 1
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In developmental biology, pattern formation refers to self-organization of anatomical structures in space and time. The talk provides the ingredients for preparation of a biological pattern. As an example, it gives the recipes for the segmentation patterns in chicken, fly and arabidopsis. A significant impact of mathematical modeling to the studies of developmental biology will be reviewed. The model for auxin patterning in the root will be discussed in details.



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