You are here: Home Events November 20, 2019: Open house at the faculty of biology

November 20, 2019: Open house at the faculty of biology

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The faculty of biology invites all prospective students to participate to attend lectures, information events, guided tours and the student advisory service.

  • Informationsveranstaltung
When Nov 20, 2019
from 09:15 AM to 05:00 PM
Where Faculty of Biology, Schänzlestr. 1 and Hauptstr. 1
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I. Lectures

9.00 – 10.00 h
Lecture series plant physiology
Topic: Hormones - Abscisic acid as plant hormone: Discovery & effect | Mutant analyses in the abscisic acid signalling pathway | Signal cascade of abscisic acid | Phosphorylation: kinases & phosphatases

PD Dr. Thomas Kretsch
Institute for Biology II/III, Schänzlestr. 1, Grand lecture hall

10.00 – 12.00 h
Lecture series cell biology
Topic: Basics of cellular signal transduction (mammals)

Prof. Dr. Winfried Römer
Institute for Biology II/III, Schänzlestr. 1, Grand lecture hall

12.00 – 13.00 h
Lecture series genetics & molecular biology
Topic: Transcription control in prokaryotes

Prof. Dr. Annegret Wilde
Institute for Biology II/III, Schänzlestr. 1, Grand lecture hall

II. Introduction to the degree programs

13.15 – 14.00 h
Introduction to B.Sc. Biology and teaching degree program
Prof. Dr. Michael Scherer-Lorenzen (Dean of studies)
Dr. Janina Kirsch (Coordinator of studies)

Institute for Biology I, Hauptstr. 1, lecture hall 1st floor

III. Guided tours, workshops, presentations etc.

14.00 – 16.00 h
Guided tour through the institutes
Students of the departmental student committee
Meeting point: Institute for Biology I, Hauptstr. 1, entrance hall

IV. Student advisory service

16.00 – 17.00 h
Student advisory service biology
Dr. Johannes Normann, CEO
Dr. Janina Kirsch, Coordinator of studies

Deanery ('Altbau'), Schänzlestr. 1, room A 307/308

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