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A Quarter of a Century of Cooperation

The Association of Botanical Gardens is holding "Botanical Gardens' Week" from 11 June to 18 June 2017

A Quarter of a Century of Cooperation

Roxburgh fig. Photo: Botanical Garden Freiburg

Tours on botanical topics such as crops, species of wild plants, tropical ecology, a plant sale, and family events such as launching balloons, arts and crafts, or making "seed bombs" are all part of the Botanical Gardens' Week which is being held for the fourteenth time from 11 June to 18 June 2017. To mark the association's special anniversary, this year's slogan is "The Association of Botanical Gardens – 25 Years of Cooperation Dedicated to Diversity." The Freiburg Botanical Garden is contributing to this nationwide week of festivities with a program that's chock full of color. All events are free of charge. Tours will start at the entrance to the display greenhouses. Registration is required for one event only – the hour-long Bionic Tours being held for school classes on 14 June. Please call 0761/203-2872 to register. On this tour, school pupils learn what nature can learn from technology.

The week will start on Sunday, 11 June at 11 a.m. with the opening of an exhibition of wood sculptures, Figuren, by Hans Kleinig in the display greenhouses. A concert entitled Flora & Fauna by the Symphonic Wind Orchestra of the Zähringen Music Society (Symphonisches Blasorchester des Musikvereins Zähringen) will conclude the festivities at 6 p.m. on Sunday, 18 June. Conducted by Thierry Abramovici, the selected works will enchant listeners, taking them on a stroll through England's green forests and the meadows of Provence, then into Japan's mountains, an expanse of jungle and the microscopic world of the butterflies.

For more information and a program please see:

Katja Stauffer
Faculty of Biology
University of Freiburg
Tel.: 0761/203-96834

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