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Teaching for the future - IDA for a cooperative project between chemistry and biology

The University of Freiburg awards 70,000 euros to the "Chemistry Bootcamp"

Teaching for the future - IDA for a cooperative project between chemistry and biology

OC-Bootcamps logo

 Professor Dr. Birgit Esser, Prof. Dr. Eckhard Bartsch and Dr. Janina Kirsch (Institute of Organic Chemistry, Institute of Physical Chemistry and Faculty of Biology): Chemistry bootcamp

Organic chemistry is at the heart of all life sciences and an important foundation stone - not only for the study of chemistry, but also for the study of biology, molecular medicine and pharmaceutical sciences. Teachers from various faculties and departments have developed exercises to enable students in the introductory phase to reactivate and practice their basic organic chemistry skills and the mathematics required in the field of physical chemistry. All courses are available to all students via the ILIAS platform, and can be credited to other degree programs.

  • The OC-Bootcamp can already be visited
  • The PC Bootcamp is currently under construction
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