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Model for sustainable construction using natural fibers

Researchers at the Universities of Freiburg and Stuttgart present in a press briefing bioinspired “livMatS Pavillon” in the Botanic Garden of the University of Freiburg

Model for sustainable construction using natural fibers

livMatS Pavilion: Front view of assembly in the Botanic Garden of the University of Freiburg, Germany. Photo: ITECH/ICD/ITKE/IntCDC, University of Stuttgart

The climate crisis and continuing population growth are posing the construction industry with new challenges. Cities need to develop more housing while ensuring that less pollutants are released and fewer finite resources consumed. Biobased materials, bioinspiration, and computational design and construction can contribute for creating an environment shaped by humans that is worth living in. In a joint project, researchers at the Universities of Freiburg and Stuttgart have designed a pavilion that integrates these principles of a bioinspired and sustainable construction. In future, visitors to the Botanic Garden of the University of Freiburg can view the pavilion, which serves as a model for the use of novel construction materials and a novel building culture.




Project researchers will introduce the “livMatS Pavillon” at a

Press Briefing on Tuesday, 13 July 2021, at 12 a.m.,
Institute of Biology II/III,
Schänzlestraße 1, 79104 Freiburg,
Meeting point: Entrance Institute of Biology II/III.

Among the press briefing participants will be: Prof. Dr. Thomas Speck, the director of the Botanic Garden, and Prof. Dr. Jürgen Rühe, of the Department of Microsystems Engineering (IMTEK). Both Speck and Rühe are members of the team of spokespersons of the Cluster of Excellence livMatS of the University of Freiburg. Also taking part are Prof. Achim Menges, of the Institute of Computational Design and Construction (ICD) and spokesperson of the Cluster of Excellence Integrative Computational Design and Construction for Architecture (IntCDC) of the University of Stuttgart, as well as Prof. Dr. Jan Knippers, Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design (ITKE) and Co-Spokesperson of the Cluster of Excellence IntCDC of the University of Stuttgart.

Places will be limited due to current public health regulations. The briefing will also be livestreamed. To take part in the briefing at the Botanic Garden or online, we request that you register by 12 July 2021 with Sonja Seidel of the Cluster of Excellence livMatS. You will receive livestream access following registration.

We welcome your participation. You can get a first impression of the pavilion in the video:

Sonja Seidel
Cluster of Excellence Living, Adaptive and Energy-autonomous Materials Systems (livMatS)
Science Communication
Tel.: 0761/203-95361

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